Updated Feb 5, 2021
Elmer 101 - CWTD - Lots of ideas and troubleshooting hints
Youtube video -
ME40+ alignment
Youtube video -
ME40+ critique
Midnight Design Solutions - SW30+
SW40 KIT tutorial and lessons if you really want to learn how it actually works
QRPoMeter from NM0S, Excellent digital power/swr meter kit
Low cost Iambic
key produced with 3D printer
Low cost straight key
produced with 3D printer
Elmer 101 - Low cost QRP transceiver
N5DUX pdf files
QRPGUYS - Lots of QRP accessories reasonably priced. Including the Digital Dial
Kiss Electronics - N3ZI frequency counter board and kits. Also Pomgrance.com
Kits and Parts - Many capacitors, toroids and transistors used in the ME+ series kits
QRP Labs - Accessories and QRP kits including the QCX kit
WB3AAL - CW Indicator and other QRP accessories
K1FM HF Magnetic Loop antenna Fantastic portable high efficiency loop antenna
CWTD - Elmer101 section on the SW30+ - A lot of good podcasts and whiteboards
Freq-Mite - from 4State QRP (sales temporarily suspended)