
Review from K6WHP  April 2020

Pictures from Richard, K4KRW with two great mods. Apr 2018


Pictures from Bob, K9FS, Feb 2021

K9FS says he used Reverse Beacon to get the numbers for the dots.

Pictures from John, AC9UV, Dec 2020


Hello Midway,

Yesterday, when I wrote to tell you about the radio, there was really nothing happening on 40 meters. Today there is a contest going on and I've just got to say that this is the most incredible rig I've ever owned!

Since starting out about 7 years ago, I've owned an MFJ-9200, an Alinco DX-SR9, an Icom IC-718 and a Xiegu G1M, in that order. All of these radios pale in comparison to the ME40+. To me a transceiver is all about reception. Your little rig has got the best reception by far of anything I've ever experienced. IT'S SO QUIET! There's no white noise to be heard at all.

I have all of my rigs on a single antenna switch (now including yours) running to the same single attic dipole cut resonant (1.3 SWR) to 40 meters. When I have any of my other rigs not selected to the antenna, they all still produce white noise. When I have the ME40+ off the antenna, it's dead quiet. It only makes light static when selected, but otherwise you don't even know it's on.

Last month I bought the [XXX] DSP filter for a hundred bucks to see if I can quiet down the MFJ and the Xiegu. What a waste of money. Those things don't work. All they do is muffle everything. Your ME40+ sounds as though it has a DSP filter built in, but one that actually works.

P.S. Some interesting news.  I ran the ME40+ to my RM Italy KL505 linear amp and I was able to get a full 100 watts out of it. I'm really starting to think that the combination of the two is really all I need in CW.

Thanks again, Ron from PA, Nov 2020


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